Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Targetting Audiences

Instantly upon gazing upon this advertisement, it is apparent that the primary audience characteristic targeted is concern for the environment. The slogan, "innovation for the planet," clearly states that this is a car that aims to be environmentally friendly and is for like-minded readers. The blue background, overflowing from the color of the car, is also a deliberate implication of nature, specifically the ocean. Continuing on the theme of color, the change in text color to put "the planet" in yellow implores the reader to think of the sun, another key symbol of the natural environment.

The advertisement also has a secondary target group, however. For those in the audience who are not motivated by being green, the ad tries to draw-in those who are attracted to the latest technology. The word "innovation" is used in both the main slogan and in the smaller-print text at the bottom of the ad. "Innovation for all," in particular, is clearly there to imply that this vehicle is not only a positive step forward for the environment, but will also be a positive advance in enhancing the life of anyone who owns the car. The image of the car is also a deliberate attempt to suggest innovation. The front-on view of the automobile lets the reader focus in on the futuristic looking front of the car. Furthermore, the image makes it appear that the vehicle is coming toward the reader, almost as if the future is coming.

While the advertisement does not explicitly target particular standard audience demographics, it is implied, by the nature of the vehicle and the popularity of electric vehicles among certain groups, that the ad is primarily aimed at people with families, or those with a well-paying job who can afford to pay more to be environmentally friendly.

1 comment:

  1. Good analysis. What publication did this ad appear in?

